Friday, February 15, 2019

The disastrous birthday party 🎂

                                                           The disastrous birthday

                Hi, I’m Isabella and today I’m going to be telling you a horrible story that happened to me, but first I’m going to introduce myself to you. I’m 8 years old, I have two sisters and a brother. My birthday is in January 1st . I adore birthday parties, and when my birthday ends I cannot wait until my next one begins.

                 It was the day before my birthday 🎉 I was delighted. I didn’t know that my mom was going to surprise me, but guess what? She did, she called all my friends like Sophia, Addy, Chloe, Zoe.... and much more. Since I love unicorns 🦄, my birthday was unicorn themed. Now let’s begin the party!!!!!! The first thing we did at my party was playing games but, it wasn’t fun at all. Every game we played someone had to win and someone had to loose. But, the looser had to start a problem , the first problem was that my little sister maya started crying because she lost the unicorn hat game she said, “it no fair, they big than me!”  Another problem was that Sophia didn’t get enough prizes when we opened the piniata. Cake time!! Everyone sang happy birthday, and I made a wish. Everything was going good, But when we started eating the cake 🍰 I felt that something was going wrong, everyone was whispering to each other but not to me. Suddenly they counted to three, one two three, “ AhhHHH!!!!” there was cake all over my face. This wasn’t fun at all, but do you know what was worst??? It was opening presents 🎁. I loved all my presents especially the skateboard from Zoe. But there was someone else who loved my skateboard even more. My brother Caleb, he was only 5 years old but he said he was old enough to ride a skateboard. But he wasn’t, mom told hem that he can’t even touch it because he will get hurt 😔. He didn’t listen, he stepped on it but fell. The skateboard was still walking 🏂 surprisely the table fell and that time we knew that caleb rode the skateboard. “Oh dear!!!” Mom shouted. We all ran to see what was going on with Caleb. While we’re busy taking care of  him all the presents were broken and the cake and all the junk food fell. Everything was a disaster. After all the disaster we went to the hospital with all my friends.

               I ended up spending half of my birthday at the hospital, waiting for the doctors to cure Caleb. You know how I told you at the beginning that I adore birthday parties, but after this one ☝🏽I started to hate birthday parties. This birthday changed my life.